Tuesday, July 28, 2009


You can see this peiture here.

Getting a job can make your life satisfied.

First, estimate your skills and the local job vacancies. It is good to write down your quantities, skills interests and jobs that you like. Also, try to decide the jobs that are within your area and think about whether you can invest your time.
Second, take a social insurance card. If you don’t have one, you can’t get a job. However, you can get it from any Human Resources Centre of Canada. You are able to see “Employment and Insurance”.
Third, make sure your resume should be professional. It is the most imperative way to show your quantities. Moreover, it can show that you are a qualified person and that you have a good image. But if you have hard time writing it, you can get help from your schools, books that related to resume writing.
Fourth, find out positions that you can do. You should check out employment advertisements, weekly community newspapers, and business sections to get useful information. Even if you don’t have much experience, you can do that if you think you can to it. Also, there are lots of resources that you can get help such as your schools and organizations. Personal meetings are one way to find your job. More specifically, you can contact people who are related to your job by attending lunches and seminars.
Fifth, prepare your interview. Through this, you can show you are a qualified person in that position. Also, you should dress properly and think positively. You are able to take information using annual report or general brochure from the public library.
Finally, be positive and tolerant. You don’t have to be disappointed if you fail your job hunting. The more you try, the more you have chances to get a job. In addition, your passion and positive mind will help you get a job in a harsh job-hunting.

In conclusion, if you keep in mind these orders and principles, you will have taken your job before long.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

HOW TO TAKE A TRAIN (weekly assignment)

Today, I will talk about some steps “how to take a train in Korea.”

First, check out your train. There are 3 kinds of trains in my country except the commuting trains. One is KTX, another is Saemaul train, the other in Mugunghwa train. The first thing is the express train and the last one is the slowest train. There are different stations depending on the train, so you have to check them.

Second, investigate the time table. You can do that through the internet instead of going to a station. Also, you are able to know the time of arriving and department.
Third, reserve your ticket. (your choice) If you want to reserve your ticket through the internet, you must be a member of KORAIL(the company name). If not, you can register without payment. However, you can only pay your money by your credit card.
Fourth, buy a ticket. Unlike western countries, our culture is not familiar with making a reservation, so you are able to buy your ticket without booking a seat. However, you have to book your seats some times such as national holidays.

Fifth, go to the right platform. There are lots of platforms in a station. Usually, they are classified according to the final destinations. If you have hard time finding your platform, you can ask to staff. Furthermore, there is a machine that shows the train name, a starting station, final station and the platform number.
Finally, keep your train ticket. Some years ago, you had to return your ticket when you arrived at your destination station. You don’t have to do these days. It means you can take your ticket. This system helps train users get some benefits, such as tax deduction (I don’t know how to work; just I read it in the pamphlet).

In brief, if you follow these steps, you can enjoy your train trip in my country!
P.S When I go to my hometown, I usually take the Mugunghwa train because it is cheap. (but it takes longer time than other trains.)
Picture from 1, 2, 3 picture from 4, 5, 6

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Last Friday, I went to Capilano Bridge with my friends.

For going there, we had to take a sea bus. It was the first time to take it, so it was exciting.

When we arrived at North Vancouver, we looked around to take a bus to Capilano Bridge. We took the bus that said it went to Capilano U. At first, we thought that bus went to our destination. However, when we reached the final destination of bus route, we found that we took a wrong bus. Because of this, we should take a bus again to go to the take a right bus.

After that, we got the right bus. In the bus, we didn’t talk because we were tired. (That day was very hot.) The worse, we didn’t know the station name! We were not good at speaking English, so that made us hesitate to ask the station name. However, we had to know it! Then I asked a woman who was next to me. Hopefully, she understood what I said, and she let us know the station. Due to her aid, we could reach our destination.

After we paid our admission, we enter the Capilano Bridge. It was very wonderful! When we went over the bridge, it kept shaking. Even if it kept swinging I enjoyed it. We took many pictures. Moreover, we took a walk in a beautiful park. There were many bridges that linked to other trees and lakes.

Although the process of going Capilano Bridge is hard, we had a great time there. I can’t see that bridge in my country. If I had not been tired, I could have had a better time.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

BUS SYSTEM (weekly assignment)

During 2 weeks in Vancouver, I had a chance to take the bus. It was very interesting because there were some differences between Vancouver bus and Korean bus. Now, I will talk about them.

You can see this pictuer here.

First, a bus card is different.

In Vancouver, I just show my monthly ticket to a bus driver; however, I have to attach my bus card to a machine in my city. This machine will calculate your bus fee. Also, you can pay your fee by cash but it is not cheaper than the bus card.

In addition, we have the changing bus system. If I want to change a bus without payment, I have to attach my bus card to a machine that is located in the back door before I take off. When I do it, I can take any bus (except the same number bus before I took) within 30 minutes.

You can see this picture here.

Second, there is dissimilarity in bus color.

While there is one color in Vancouver, there are 3 colors in my city.

The bus colors in my city mean the route of buses. Specifically, the red one means an express bus. The blue one means it goes to one district to another district also, the green one means that it gives its service within one district (sometimes it goes to anther district, but not many).

The last is that there are some differences in the inside of the bus.

Vancouver bus does not have a guide map of root in a bus.

On the other hand, there is an information map of bus root in my city bus.

Furthermore, I can hear a next station including the present station that means we can check where we are looking at the map. Also, in Vancouver, there are two ways to show passengers’ intention using buttons and pulling a rope. Conversely, we have only one method to notify that we are going to take off. And, I have to use the back door when I take off the bus. If not, it is not a good manner in my city.

You can see this picture here & here. ( it shows the time when the bus is coming-the right picture.)

From now, I talked about the differences between them. Each has its strong points and drawbacks. I think it is a good chance to think about Vancouver bus my city bus.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Last Saturday, I went to Victoria Island with my friends. we went there through a tour agency.

Our schedule started at 6:20 AM (it was a pick-up time). Also, another group was picked up at 7: 10AM.

After that we went to Tsawwassen to get on the ferry.

This picture was taken when we were waiting to take the ferry.

The first department is "Butchart Garden". I heard that it had been an abandoned mine but Mrs. Butchart was determined to change it. That was the beginning of Butchart Garden.

Now, this spot attracts many people from other countries.

I was able to see lots of flowers and fountains. Also, I visited a gift shop. I was surprised at seeing various handiworks such as cups, chocolate, electronic lights
(but I didn't buy anything).

After that, we went to Wax Museum.
There were lots of things that attracted me.
I could see many clothing, animation characters, actor &actress and torture scenes
(I don't want to remember it!).

It is Empress Hotel which is located in front of Wax
Museum. We have to make a reservation to drink a cup of coffee before 2 or 3 months ago. Also, it is very expensive to participate in it.

It was very precious time for me because I could see many things. While I was touring, it was very convenient because there was a car (the first picture)! I did not spend much my time walking like in Vancouver. However, I didn't have much free time because it was the one day tour. It means that we had to move quickly to meet the schedule (I had only had free time in the garden for 1 hour).

Thursday, July 9, 2009


You can see the whole article here.

Jennifer Yang
Wednesday, Jul. 08, 2009 07:09 PM EDT

New research discovers that people tend to kill themselves in the middle of the week, Wednesdays, not Mondays as we have known. Dr. Kposowa and one graduate student inspected this subject that occurred from 2000 to 2004. While they were researching, they showed that there were 25% of the act of killing yourself intentionally on Wednesdays.

He says there are some reasons such as growth of the employment place stress, doubts and physical pressure.

Based on this, he recommends that we should decrease our pressures in our working place. Also, he says this study did not mean the contrast between Mondays and Wednesdays. He wants people to have some cautiousness about it.

I am interested in this article because it is related to my life. This article refers the workplace but in my opinion, it can include education. (There are some students who committed suicides because of their grades.) Also, after I leave Vancouver, I will have a job. If I don't know how to control my stress, I will think about this action unconsciously. Therefore, I read this article with interest.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


On the second weekend, my friends and I were decided to go to GRANVILL ISLAND and UBC because we had got lots of recommendation from other people.


First, we took off the sky train at 'Science World' station to take a ferry. We paid 6 dollars for that. When we arrived at Granville island, we were surprised at seeing the PUBLIC MARKET. It was very big. Also, there were lots of things that entertained my eyes. After looking around, we got a map of island. We took a bus that goes to UBC.

Actually, it was the first time to take a bus in Vancouver. Unlike Korea, I had to show my monthly bus card (In Korea, I have to attach my bus card on the machine. It will calculate my bus fare). The bus was very nice. It had broad space and I could see some good facts that show the respectation to the unabled, the old and babies.
After some minutes, we arrived at UBC. It was very large so we had to find 'Student Union Building' to get a map. When we got there, I met a Korean who worked in that building. So, we could obtain the map easily.

Using the map, we looked around the university. Actually, we only asked the way to go WRECK BEACH (nude beach as you know). That picture you can see was taken while we were finding that beach. That picture was taken when I was walking down to the beach.

I don't know how long we walked but the thing is we had hard time finding that beach. However, this hardship was one part of all adversities. Before we arrived at the beach, we had thought there had been sand but it was not true. The beach was consisit of peddles so it was very difficult to walk. (Four girls all did not wear running shoes.)


Although it was hard for walking and finding the beach (in fact, we were lost our ways several times), I think it is a very precious experience for me now. I could have chances to meet some exotic surroundings (many garedens, wonderful buildings in the campus). The second weekend in Vancouver was interesting!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kyeongbok gung(Palace)

You cna see this piture if you click here.

I will write something about my country in the first week.


It was the first time for me to go there when I got the assignment from a class (that was related to the cultural heritage of Korea and I was a freshman). When I went there with my father, it was not interesting for me. Maybe the thought it was my homework made me feel like that.

After 2 years later, I visited my friend who lived in Seoul. We considered lots of places to talk. Also we wanted to save money not to waste our money to buy some coffee in a cafe (that day was very good if I remembered). After thinking a lot, we decided to go to there. One of the reason was that, this palace was not far from Seoul Train Station (I lived in Daejeon, so, I had to take a train to go to Seoul). If you take a taxi in front of the station, you may cost the base rate.

When we arrived at the palace, there was a march in front of the building. When you catch the time exactly, you can see it and the ceremony of changing the guard in Korean version. After watching it, my friend and I went inside.

If you enter the gate, you can not see the hills; it means the ground is flat. This part is my favorite. We looked around and had some time sitting on the bench, looking a lake and many people. The ground is not on a slat, you can walk easily and there are some benches under trees, you can feel cool. Oh, you can take a picture wearing the traditional clothes. Those clothes belong to the nobility. But, we could not take that picture. We just talked about many things and took some pictures other buildings (the feelings were different when I was a freshman). Anyway it was a good time to spend my time with my friend.

If you have some time to visit Korea, you can have a good time in that palace.